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Learning the in’s and outs of academia is hard. Here’s a resource to create strategic plans, develop mentorship networks, learn how to consistently write (the almighty academic currency) and more! Try out their dissertation success program, which is the graduate student version of their core curriculum. Don’t worry, you get access to all of these materials for free with your university email 🙂
You can’t be great at everything you do, so learn to prioritize which things to be great at and when.
Jennifer Lynn Barnes on Twitter
Ombuds - Graduate School | University of South Carolina
At the time of writing, faculty ranked above Katherine are those at the full professor level in the SEOE, but especially those serving as the Director, Associate Director, Undergraduate Director and Graduate Director. If there is a problem that you do not feel you can speak to her about (or want to consult first), these are good people to go to.
Our People - School of the Earth, Ocean & Environment | University of South Carolina
I encourage you to pursue funding while working in the lab! The process is a useful one, and if you’re successful, your research journey will be that much easier. If you have questions, ask! Whether successful or not, I encourage you to share your application materials with other students in the lab - in part or all.
You are eligible to receive 1-2 travel awards from the SEOE. Apply for these early in your graduate career.
Travel Grants - Graduate School | University of South Carolina
Go to the current year’s rendezvous page, travel and accommodations, then travel stipends
The link below points to a shared Google doc where Katherine collects funding and award opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.
Recorded presentations from X-DBER 2023