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Students below are listed in order of most recent to most graduated.
Degree in Progress: MEERM
Research Focus:
Dream Job:
Meryssa Piper, PhD Candidate
Degree in Progress: PhD Geological Sciences
Research Focus:
Dream Job:
Annie Klyce, PhD 2023 in Banff National Park
Contact: [email protected]
Graduated: PhD in Geological Sciences, Spring of 2023
Research Focus: Annie’s dissertation titled Exploring the current training of undergraduate geology students and teaching spatial skills to improve student outcomes focused on training spatial skills in introductory geology students to assess changes in student self-efficacy, value, and final course grade. Additionally, she determined the most commonly required courses to earn a BS in Geology within the US.
Dream Job: Teaching focused faculty member that still does research
Job Post-Grad: Senior Lecturer at Vanderbilt University
Graduated: MS in Geological Sciences,
Research Focus:
Dream Job:
Job Post-Grad: